Thursday, September 2, 2010

The bow occurs after the rain

Very often,
folks smile when they see rainbow
workers stop down when they see rainbow
children tend to tell others when they see rainbow
What makes them so in love with it?
The different 7 layers colours makes it such a special one
Yet, its beauty is ain't eternal


Chronicles said...

nat,so what you will do when see rainbow?

natalie said...

gaze at it as long as i can. coz i know it is something that i could never able to hold it.


 就这样,你三岁了。 我依然清楚记得你被捧到我的脸上的那一刻,那个清秀的样子,那一刻开始,我被冠上妈妈这个昵称。妈妈很感恩你带给我们的种种欢乐,家里因为有了你,多了一份温馨,阵阵的笑声。 你的懂事,你的小聪明都让妈妈觉得很不可思议,很难相信我养育了那么棒的一个小孩。上帝阿爸对妈妈...