Saturday, January 22, 2011

Memories. Forgive.

It's hard for anyone to get over the past and find themselves living a better life ahead.
I recently come across all the memories that I have been dumped behind for a long time.
I thought all these while, I never try to recall back because I am afraid I will get hurt once again or I might make myself stick to the past again.
But then, I was wrong. For the past few days, a lot of the memories brought back by a friend of mine. And, I can't feel the pinch of pain in my heart as I used to be last time, when we talked about it. I have become a person who is tougher and stronger now, mentally, I supposed.
It's definitely our decision to let it go and still holding on it. Neither one of us would want to see people get hurts because of the past. As in, this already become a past, literally. I fully understand how torture it will be to be holding on to the past because I have gone through all these before.
So, please, move on. You can have a better life, even without the one you wanted to be with. After all, the one you care for might want you to be as happy as she is right now.

P/S: Never take this as a punishment to yourself, cause they never are.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Malaysian Next Top Model? LOL!!!!

Have you ever dream about being a model on a flat screen or in a magazine?
I am sure most of you do. But then, it's never easy especially for a person like me who needs to pretend girlish in front of the camera. Gosh! I just can't do it naturally. It seems so awkward for me to have put my hand on my waist, throw a chest, hold up my butt. Oh....... it's torturing.
But then my ex colleague need a skinny to help him in trying out the clothes which actually made for thin people. So, I got no choice but say yes to a ex colleague who has been very nice to me all these while.
So, just check on some of the pictures as I will upload it more in FB. =)

P/S: Just ignore the tittle above.

Saturday, January 8, 2011



男同学:Kamu semalam hari pertama pergi sekolah ada nangis tak?

女同学:Ada. Sekejap la.

男同学:(拍拍女孩的肩膀)Jangan nangis. Kamu ada saya ma.


有时候,我觉得我工作的地方有点像打仗,什么都要快。 在父母来载之前,得确定这些孩子们吃饱,冲好凉了。不幸的,这里的热水器坏了,得褒烧水,让孩子们冲凉。时间的运用比平时多一倍。在我已经忙得不可开交,恐怕这些孩子们会迟到之际,经过厕所,看到这个没把门关上的小胖子,摇着屁股,哼着歌儿,徐徐的把水往头上淋,如此的写意。我就像热锅上蚂蚁,他却像是悠闲的老人。看到这样的情景,我还真的是啼笑皆非。这个胖子,还真有一套。





在补习班上课,小朋友们都会称我为 Teacher Chin。最近和老板娘6岁的儿子成了好朋友,试着用很多童言童语与他沟通。有一个下午,正当我快要开始教书时,这位弟弟走进来,说要听我教书。我告诉他不行,因为会阻碍到其他的哥哥姐姐上课。我带着开玩笑的语气跟他说:“你不能在这儿,老师要教书了,现在你得O-U-Tout。”他忽然对我撒娇说:“chin chin,不要这样啦,做么叫我出去喔,chin chin ~ ”全场哄堂大笑,我也忍不住了。 这小呱,还真的是。。。。。。

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011

As you all know, I am basically a full time tutor now. I am giving tuition to these two brothers who study in an international school. They sometimes are just too lovely that I can't resist to laugh out of burst. This is what happened last Friday.
When I was almost done with my tuition that morning, their mum came to me and gave me tuition fees, wishing me happy new year. So I as well wished the boys happy new year too.
The younger brother then came and handed me 5 ringgit and said: "Happy New Year, teacher."
I stunned for seconds, and we all burst out laughing. This little boy thought he needs to give me money when wishing me like what his mother did.
Aren't they cute? Haha!
Glad that the first post in year 2011 make you smile a little =)
Happy 2011 everyone!


 就这样,你三岁了。 我依然清楚记得你被捧到我的脸上的那一刻,那个清秀的样子,那一刻开始,我被冠上妈妈这个昵称。妈妈很感恩你带给我们的种种欢乐,家里因为有了你,多了一份温馨,阵阵的笑声。 你的懂事,你的小聪明都让妈妈觉得很不可思议,很难相信我养育了那么棒的一个小孩。上帝阿爸对妈妈...