Friday, July 30, 2010

To be

"Miss Natalie, saya dapat 90 marks untuk paper maths!!"
"Kali ni, kelas kita dah banyak improve. 26 orang dapat A untuk maths. Dulu, saya dapat 30 something sahaja."
I was extremely happy when I got one of my students' call.
Later on, she sent a message to me after I gave my utmost congrats for her improvement.
This is what she wrote in the message.
'Thanks to teacher sebab ajar saya sampai faham. Result ni untuk cikgu.'
I never thought it can be that happy to be a teacher. Despite the evaluation result I got, I think the students' improvement gives me a boost to go forward to become a good teacher.
Now only I realise why the role of teacher is so important and their burden so much heavier than we think.
People always say it's not easy to be a good teacher. But every single step I take, every hard work I do, I am moving forward to the target of being a good teacher.
Miracle, is what I want to create among the students =)


Unknown said...

wow.. very good, very "gam dong" lo.. :) u got cry out of joy ah? :)

Unknown said...

ehhh ,mcm saya je send message tu? HAHA


 就这样,你三岁了。 我依然清楚记得你被捧到我的脸上的那一刻,那个清秀的样子,那一刻开始,我被冠上妈妈这个昵称。妈妈很感恩你带给我们的种种欢乐,家里因为有了你,多了一份温馨,阵阵的笑声。 你的懂事,你的小聪明都让妈妈觉得很不可思议,很难相信我养育了那么棒的一个小孩。上帝阿爸对妈妈...