Sunday, August 2, 2015

East Coast Trip

I don't mind getting tanned because of you, this is news.
I woke up early and hit the sack late because of you.
Terengganu, you have given me so much that I am still immersed in your beauty. The beauty of the scenery as well as the people.
I see no racist, I see no fights, nor discrimination. What is shown is the harmony of three races, friendly faces to those new to this land and the innocent of the children.
There are a lot more that I would put in words. Hopefully I can write it out to let more of them to discover the beauty you possess and to treasure you.

P/S:  Despite of what I said above, I still hope the lotion I apply right now do help in getting me less tanned. XD

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 就这样,你三岁了。 我依然清楚记得你被捧到我的脸上的那一刻,那个清秀的样子,那一刻开始,我被冠上妈妈这个昵称。妈妈很感恩你带给我们的种种欢乐,家里因为有了你,多了一份温馨,阵阵的笑声。 你的懂事,你的小聪明都让妈妈觉得很不可思议,很难相信我养育了那么棒的一个小孩。上帝阿爸对妈妈...