Friday, January 18, 2013

Love, lost.

First time burst out of tears in front of students, I could hardly control my emotion. Why did I feel like the two-hours-tuition is crawling slowly? I thought I can see you again and so happy that I could be your colleague. Why is it so cruel that they took your life away in such a short notice? Teaching the students remind me how I was being taught by you. Tears rolled down, but facts remain. Forget not your care and guidance for me along the way. Thank you teacher.

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 就这样,你三岁了。 我依然清楚记得你被捧到我的脸上的那一刻,那个清秀的样子,那一刻开始,我被冠上妈妈这个昵称。妈妈很感恩你带给我们的种种欢乐,家里因为有了你,多了一份温馨,阵阵的笑声。 你的懂事,你的小聪明都让妈妈觉得很不可思议,很难相信我养育了那么棒的一个小孩。上帝阿爸对妈妈...