Monday, October 11, 2010

Wonderful Weekend =)

He used to say I am a playful girl. I always laugh and admit it indirectly.
Tonnes of plans wanted to do, but really not enough time for me.
Suddenly it appears to my mind that my colleague once said: "How good if we had 72 hours per day."
Last Friday went to Luna Bar which located beside Shangri-La Hotel with my old pals.
It was great gathering, although I need to work the next morning. (I hate working 6 days per week. GRRRRR...)
Anyways, compare to Sky Bar which is located in Traders Hotel, I prefer Luna Bar.
Well, the environment is much better and the decorations inside the building are nice!

The night view was awesome. And in fact, the KLCC twin tower become single tower viewing from here. Hehe.

Friends were suppose to surprise us with a birthday birthday cake (for victor and my early birthday celebration.) So they called and make reservation.
Friend: Hi, I would like to make reservation for 5 people for tomorrow night. Ermm, we are going to celebrate my friends' birthday over there. Can we bring in the cake?
Receptionist: Yes, of course you can. But RM 50 will be charged for the plates, forks as well as napkins that we provided for you.
Friend: ....... (WTF)

So my friends ended up buying a slice of cake over there. Still, it means a lot to me as they remember my birthday. This is what a friend for right? Hehe.

All of us.

Me and the birthday boy, Victor. =)

And well, the advantage of being a girl, I got treat from a bar tender. SHOT! Something called Safari. I tried half of it, and it tastes sucks, exactly like a concentrated coughing medicine. Anyways, poor Vic, not getting any. Lalalalala. Haha.

The bar tender and me =)

Thanks for the night, pals. I love it.

The next day, colleagues and I went to Desa Park City which located not far away from my house. It is a nice place to have a walk with your doggies, fly kite, and jog. And we went there to fly kite. Been planning for this for weeks but the weather was so bad for the last few weeks that we couldn't make it. Thank God, it didn't rain last Saturday. Although I made the wrong way to the place and take a U turn after a LOOOOOONG journey. It's basically a residential area which full of rich people. It owned a small shopping mall with different shops and a big park. Well, if you want to marry to a rich guy or marry a rich girl or women, ahem, hehe, please do make yourself free and bring a dog to this place. Hoping that your dog will bump into his or her dog, and then ~ZTTTTT~ electricity flows between you two. Hahaha! Alright, I know I am bull-shitting now. Hehe. Anyways, let the pictures do the talking.

Our kite!! ( borrowed from my boss ler. hehe )

Me and Kyan trying to fly the kite.


Evon and I

3 of us =)

One day, there will be one day, I will live in this kind of place. YOU HEAR THAT CHIN SHENYANG???!!!! EARN MORE MONEY!!!! MUAHAHAHAH!


ButterfliesForDinner said...

All in all, I know that I was part of your wonderful weekend too =)

natalie said...

No more Wall Street next time! =p

Yvonne said...

don't think Vic will feel half the jealousy... it's a concentrated cough med after all... am not jealous either =P

whoa... love your last line... earn more money!!! pity shenyang.... ~stress~


 就这样,你三岁了。 我依然清楚记得你被捧到我的脸上的那一刻,那个清秀的样子,那一刻开始,我被冠上妈妈这个昵称。妈妈很感恩你带给我们的种种欢乐,家里因为有了你,多了一份温馨,阵阵的笑声。 你的懂事,你的小聪明都让妈妈觉得很不可思议,很难相信我养育了那么棒的一个小孩。上帝阿爸对妈妈...